Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Needy versus Needed

Hmmm! That drive for money can skew your thinking. Thinking money, money, money would set you on a pensive edge and affect your ability to make objective decisions. Rather, think “how can I make contribution and create value?” and the money would follow. Too many people have fallen for tricksters and scam jobs due to their needy mentality. These quick money making schemes promising instant cash without working for it flood the internet. And interesting thing is lots of gullible folks are their cash cows. They thrive on people’s need for jobs, money and relationships.
Do you know that the chances are you’ll never get employed by any company that does not see how you can add value to their operations and bottom line in some way? So, how can you become needed? Henry Ford thrived on the motto; “Help the other fellow.” Seek to be a problem solver. Here are some pointers to help you.  
1.       Big Vision: You are what you think. The picture before your eyes is vital to your achievement. You must have heard it said, “What you see is what you get.” See my post on The Vision Principle.

2.       Trending Needs: There are needs that crop up based on technological innovation and seasonal changes. Daily, new product and service lines are created in the area of information technology; Social media branding and marketing, customer service, web and graphics design, automated money transfer and payments, E- Learning, Data Analytics,  I.T training and hardware sales like personal computers and tablets are all business lines that developed through technology trends. Seasons like rainy, dry, winter or summer time create opportunity for the sale of specific goods. Rubber footwear in the rainy season, easy and comfy wears in the summer and so on. These are needs that people can look to meet.
3.       Government Policies: Some of the greatest business opportunities can be found in government policies. Local content policies, Automotive policies, Youth development programmes, IFRS policies (International Financial Reporting Standards); and Empowerment programmes dictate the trends and gaps enterprising individuals and organisation can take advantage of within an economy.
4.       Be action oriented: Procrastination is the thief of time. To sit and do nothing is a heinous crime. Vision without action is hallucination, said Henry Ford. And for someone who had such great impact, he should know. Too many people dwell on “someday when” rather than get up and putting their hands to the plough. ! By much idleness, the building droppeth through” goes the proverb. If you have been planning long, perhaps it is time to take a step. You learn by doing. Take a cue from Richard Brandson…. Screw it, just do it!!!

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